Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How To Find Customer Service At Home Jobs

More and more companies are getting on the bandwagon of cutting costs by hiring or outsourcing their work. Meaning utilizing a lot more technology. The age of telecommuting is here and is continuously rising.

There are so many work at home positions that are actually available online. These businesses are realizing that having employees work from home is a great advantage, because it will reduce many in house costs. Of course this is great to those of us who would love to be able work from the comforts of home.

In my other articles I had indicated that data entry jobs are becoming increasing in demand. Along the same lines…. although there are many online jobs, one kind of job that is increasing its demand is, “work at home phone jobs” – well I should say “customer service” jobs. Companies are hiring people to do different tasks over the phone either at home or at the company location. The main focus is to find the companies that hire you to work from home.

Telecommunication companies are the greatest areas to find “customer service” related home jobs. If you have some great professional skills such as Project Management, then you would definitely qualify for one of their amazing well-paid positions. Just for an example AT&T pays its Project Managers approximately $70,000 a year (I know I used to work for them as a PM), guess what, YOU CAN WORK FROM HOME!! They still give you a small office or a “cubicle” that you never go to because you are constantly traveling or just working from home. The company even provides you with your very own laptop, blackberry cell phone, pager, and great benefits for your phone and Internet charges. The list goes on. Some telecommunication companies utilize an outside agency to do their hiring so make sure to look for that.

For those of us women, just a tip… please be careful about these so-called customer service agent jobs out there. Don’t get desperate enough to sign up with these companies. See you are told that you would be handling inbound calls from callers and all you need to do is have a conversation with the clients. Yes, it was an adult phone operator. You wont believe how these companies are making extreme amounts of money off these women who work at home and degrade themselves via live phone. So again please very weary and cautious of those. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has to make a living and I am not knocking it… but you don’t have to stoop that low….

Check online classified ads such as Craigslist.com, Career builders.com, Monster.com, Yahoo Hot Jobs… If you keep checking on them on a daily basis, you will be able to catch an add from a company looking to hire work at home customer service agents. As a matter of fact, I found a fun company site called “Great Adventures” who had advertised on Craigslist for work at home phone order takers. The main duties were to type messages such as from Santa to the kids of the customers. That was really neat! Imagine you are actually writing the Dear Santa Letters…. (smile). And not to mention, its not just Santa, there are other hero themes and adventures. These are the types of opportunities that are out there… You have to just research, research.

Now of course, Telemarketing has always been around (maybe close to the dinosaur age – just kidding). You can always find telemarketing (outbound) positions from all sorts of companies. They have such a high rate of work at home positions that they are pretty much overruling the market on sales strategies utilizing telecommunications. Either by chat, phone, text messaging (yes there are jobs that you can do from your Cell Phone….)
I say if you are a great “salesman or saleswoman” then I say SELL away. There are actually lucrative opportunities within this. You have to be pretty disciplined for 99% of the time you will get paid commission only. So it is up to you to make it what you want.

To read more tips and techniques like the ones in this article, you can learn more by visiting my websites and blogs, Click Here!

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